
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Celal Öney, a faculty member of the Department of History at Muş Alparslan University, gave a seminar about how the document search and purchasing process takes place in the Ottoman Digital Archive.

03.05.2024 07:22

Associate Professor Celal Öney gave the seminar titled Searching for Documents in the Ottoman Archives on 25.04.2024 at Muş Alparslan University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of History, in class No. 103, at 11.00. At the seminar, Öney introduced the Presidential Ottoman Archive website and introduced useful publications and trainings on the site, especially for students. Afterwards, he entered the Document Scanning module of the site, examined the area where the archive documents were scanned, and gave information about how the documents found were added to the researcher's page and how these documents were subsequently purchased. Answering the problems of the students at the end of the seminar, Öney emphasized that every history student should review and follow this website. After the seminar, Associate Professor Yegane Çağlayan, President of the Historical Research Society, presented a certificate of appreciation to Associate Professor Celal Öney.