The second of the Religion and Geography Symposium, the first of which was organized last year in collaboration with Hitit University Faculty of Theology and Hitit University Islamic Sciences Research and Application Center, was held this year at our faculty's Fuat Sezgin Conference Hall on October 03-04, 2024, with the theme of "History of Islamic Geography after the 4th/10th Century". 39 academicians from 21 universities in our country presented 37 papers in the opening panel and the following eight sessions. The symposium provided information on methodological discussions, maritime, the use of digital systems in Islamic history, geography and civilization research, important representatives and their works of the Islamic geography tradition, pilgrimage routes, important regions such as Egypt, travelers and Ottoman geography. Assist. Prof. Esra ÇIPLAK presented her paper titled The Geographical Location of Egypt in al-Maqrizi's al-Hitat at this symposium. In her paper; Taqi al-Din Ahmad b. Ali b. Abdul Qadir b. Muhammad al-Maqrizi (d. 1442), one of the important scholars of Islamic history, provided information about him and emphasized that he was the historian with the widest repertoire in 15th century historiography. Especially his work called al-Mawāʿiẓ wa’l-iʿtibār bi-(fī) ẕikr al-ḫıṭaṭ wa’l-ās̱ār is a unique achievement that manages to present a general historical discourse through the coherence of history. In al-Khitāt, al-Maqrizi analytically addressed the architectural history of the city, which is the basis of the civilization cycle, and the reasons behind the issues. This work, which contains a lot of information such as topography, historical geography, economic and cultural situation, which he embodied on the capital of the Mamluk State, Cairo, must be based on the author’s passion for his own city and country. This work, in which al-Maqrizi, a historian of the Mamluk period, provides information about the topography and history of Egypt, is the most famous of the Hitat type books and is an example for the studies to be done in this field after him. In writing the work, al-Maqrizi used two methods of historiography, written and oral, in addition to his own observations and findings. Esra Çıplak stated that she aimed to read the role played by geographical and climatic conditions in the establishment of civilization/umran through climate theory from the pen of the 15th century. She also thanked our Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa ALICAN for supporting these scientific activities.